I'm wondering about the oxalis - a gift from my Mum, it runs riot over her patio - but is a weed according to "Gardeners World" Mind you, a weed is defined as a plant growing in the wrong place, so... It contrasts so well with the york slabs and the tiny, yellow flowers are sweet, I'll just keep an eye on it, I suppose... ramble, ramble...

This page holds all the stuff which won't fit anywhere else... mostly my ramblings on all the things I'm doing to the garden now, so it will probably change from time to time. Today (July 9 02) I'm squeezing in some more plants which I couldn't resist at the garden centre (no willpower when it comes to garden centres and chocolate).

The Lewisia are an amazing colour and, as alpines, finding a space shouldn't be a problem.. Also some other alpines and a tiny lilac campanula - should spread well.

New plants for the garden